A Comparison of Pedagogical Challenges Faced byPublic and Private Novice Teachers at PrimaryLevelat Gujrat


  • Lazar pal Gift University Gujranwala مؤلف
  • Sikandar Hayat مؤلف

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Novice teachers، pedagogy، elementary teachers، elementary school


The study aimed to investigate pedagogical challenges faced by novice elementary teachersand their comparison in public and private sector. The main objectives of the study were toexplore the communication challenges faced by novice elementary teachers with students, toassess the challenges faced by novice elementary teachers regarding motivational strategies, to find out the challenges faced by novice elementary teachers related to teaching methods. The population of the study comprised of all girls elementary schools in district Gujarat. One hundred and six teachers were selected by using convenient sampling technique questionnaire was used for data collection. Data was analysed by using mean, standard deviation, one sample t-test and two ways ANOVA. The findings of the study revealed that the communication challenges faced by both private and public novice teachers. Teachers of public and private sectors face challenges in using teaching methods and motivational strategies.


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Teachers Challenges

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كيفية الاقتباس

A Comparison of Pedagogical Challenges Faced byPublic and Private Novice Teachers at PrimaryLevelat Gujrat. (2023). Scholar Insight Journal, 1(2), 9-14. https://scholarinsightjournal.com/index.php/sij/article/view/A12023
