
Witnessing the limitations of environmental justice issues in China, especially in rural Hubei: Promoting environmental education and a just environmental governance.


  • Zhangyu Zha None Author


environmental justice, public participation, environmental education, legal framework, rural Hubei


Environmental injustice describes the disproportionate environmental hazards on marginalized communities. While environmental justice movements have gained traction globally, the issue remains understudied in China. This topic is crucial as it reveals challenges faced by marginal communities due to inadequate environmental governance, limited legal protections and insufficient public awareness. The research utilizes a qualitative approach, analyzing policy documents, case studies, academic literature, and interviews to identify systemic flaws in China’s environmental justice framework, with specific investigation in Zhongxiang’s phosphorus chemical industry providing deeper insights into practical implications of these issues. Findings have pointed out a lack of effective legal framework for public interest litigation, restricted chances for the public to participate in environmental governance, and the inability of local communities to advocate for their rights because of deficiencies in environmental education. To address these challenges, the study recommends strengthening legal protections, enhancing public participation mechanisms, and developing environmental education programs.These measures are essential for fostering equitable environmental governance and empowering marginalized communities to address environmental inequalities effectively.


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Author Biography

  • Zhangyu Zha, None

    Shenzhen Middel School, China


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How to Cite

Witnessing the limitations of environmental justice issues in China, especially in rural Hubei: Promoting environmental education and a just environmental governance. (2024). Scholar Insight Journal, 2(2), 12-23.