The "Escaping Reality: 'Denial' as a Defense Mechanism in the World of 'Exit West'"


  • Ali Hamza Muslim Youth University Islamabad Author
  • Asma Muslim Youth University Islamabad Translator
  • Amna Zahra Muslim Youth University Islamabad,Pakistan Translator


Exit West, psychoanalysis, defence mechanism, denial, character, consciousness, unconsciousness


This research seeks to elucidate the essential principles of psychoanalysis, emphasising the foundational ideas put forth by Sigmund Freud, in the novel written by Mohsin Hamid “Exit West”. The theory of Denial, Defense Mechanism of psychoanalysis is clearly shown through the characters of Saeed and Nadia. Psychoanalytic theory places great emphasis on the concept of denial, which is a defence mechanism employed by humans to reject reality or truths. This idea has the potential to provide noteworthy revelations into the actions and experiences of the characters. This analysis attempts to deepen our knowledge of the psychological effects of relocation and the coping mechanisms used by individuals who are compelled to leave their homes by looking at how denial appears in Saeed and Nadia's journey. In "Exit West," denial is revealed as a complex coping technique that helps Saeed and Nadia deal with their quickly failing reality. These actions show the various ways in which denying can serve to safeguard the psyche, including withdrawing into a virtual world, avoiding unpleasant interactions, finding comfort in one another, or contesting the indefinite nature of their relocation.


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Author Biographies

  • Asma, Muslim Youth University Islamabad

    MPhil Scholar, Department of English Literature, Muslim Youth University Islamabad. 

  • Amna Zahra, Muslim Youth University Islamabad,Pakistan

    Department of English


Hamid, M. (2017). Exit West. Penguin Random House.

Tyson, Louis. (2006). Critical theory today: A user-friendly guide (2nd ed.). Rooutlege. (Original work published 1998.

Freud, A. (1937). The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense.

Mehmood, S., Ahmad, M., & Akbar, H. (2021). Satisfaction and Freedom: A Psychological Feminist Study of Mohsin Hamid’s “Exit West. Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review, 5(2), 403-411.

McLeod, S. (2024, January 25). Defense mechanisms in psychology explained (+ examples). Simply Psychology.

Kendra, C. (2024, April 2). An overview of Sigmund Freud's theories. Verywell Mind.'s%20theory,operates%20in%20the%20conscious%20mind.


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Open Access

How to Cite

The "Escaping Reality: ’Denial’ as a Defense Mechanism in the World of ’Exit West’". (2024). Scholar Insight Journal, 2(1), 1-10.
