A perpetual quest for human agency in the cyber world of Kevin Anderson’s Hopscotch
Agency, human agency, cyber world, Micheal de CerteauAbstract
The transition through eras presents forth a spectrum of meanings in regards to the term ‘agency’. The events and circumstances particular to each age, human beings endeavor to retain their freedom and agency as an expression of non-conformity in the accepted discourse. This article aims to highlight the challenges and barriers to practice human agency in a cyber world, a world where everything is under constant surveillance. It utilizes Micheal de Certeau’s (1925-1986) concept of dark spaces, explained by him in Walking in the City, as a lens to analyze the novel and prove that agency can be preserved even with the incessant watch of an observant eye. Explains how people challenge the prevalent discourse while existing within a modern world, where the domination of modern technology poses a threat to oppress and subdue human agency. Kevin Anderson illustrates this contemporary dilemma of cyber world with great genius and is a remarkable instance in presenting the characters’ struggle to escape the oppressive scrutiny and influence of the watchful gaze of cyber power. The paper argues that despite a controlled and continuous check on the human actions and influence over conscious, the individuals are able to maintain and practice their freedom in making decisions and establishing an individual self.
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