Moajza and Karamat: A Research Study (In the Light of the Qur'an)
Karamat##common.commaListSeparator## Mircles##common.commaListSeparator## Irrefutable##common.commaListSeparator## Manifestations##common.commaListSeparator## Supernatural##common.commaListSeparator## Endorsement##article.abstract##
Within the Islamic faith, two distinct notions capture the essence of extraordinary actions or capabilities: miracles (mu'jiza) and karamat.Miracles are the signature seals of prophets, serving as irrefutable proof of their divinely ordained role. Karamat, on the other hand, are personal tokens of God's affection and blessings, showering His grace upon the pious within the community. Recognizing these distinctions allows for a deeper understanding of the diverse manifestations of the divine within the Islamic framework. Miracles applies to all those things which are supernatural that is something occur against nature by the prophets for the endorsement of their prophecy, such supernatural action known as miracle. It is derived from the word mu'jiz, this word is from Ijaz which means that it is incapacitate the intellect, the intellect become incapable to understand. If the same occurrence supernatural event takes place from someone other than a prophet and he is a believer and pious this is called Al Karamat.
Ghazi:Doctor mehmood ahmad ghazi, Quranic lecture (mahazrat e qurani), publication :5 august 2009,by Muhammad Faisal, Al FAISAL NASHRAN Ghani Street, Urdu bzar lahore, Pakistan.
Bani Israel , 13:1
Al Ambia , 21:68,69
Taha, 20:17,18
Taha, 20:22
Al- Araf , 7:133
Al- Baqarah , 2:50
Al- Baqarah , 2:50
Al- Baqarah , 2:60
Al- Araf , 7:73
Al- Kahaf , 18:10
Al-Toba ,9:40
Al- Hujurat ,49:13
Al- Kahaf , 18:25
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